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Read "Effect Corch" please and Global Climate Emergency Master Plan







El día 27/07/23 tuvo lugar la premiere mediante youtube, el CEO de GSL Systems y Mayday.live, arch. Roberto Guillermo Gomes, hizo la presentación del primer Coloquio Virtual de IDEA 7.0 –Argentina Power Master Plan-, con posibilidad de mantener contactos mediante chat de Linkedin con los interesados.

La jornada fue rápida, duró medio día y se tomaron decisiones trascendentales que determinarán el futuro inmediato de Argentina y el mundo.

Puntos tratados:

1.- Cuadro de situación por la aceleración del Calentamiento Global a partir del comienzo de El Niño fuerte a mitad del presente año. Según la OMM la temperatura promedio puede superar la barrera de los 1,5º a 1,8º C. Esto puede llegar a causar un efecto domino de activación de retroalimentaciones positivas acelerando la anomalía climática.

Asimismo se incrementarán las sequías, pudiendo presentarse a nivel intercontinenal, ocasionando la perdida de gran parte de las cosechas mundiales y como consecuencia morir de hambre alrededor de 4 mil millones de personas, entre 2025/2027

El impacto de aceleración por el incremento de temperatura puede resquebrajar el glaciar Thwaites del “Apocalipsis” en Antártida, descongelándose rápidamente y subir las aguas en todo el mundo de 30 a 60 cms.

Si esto sucede todas las propiedades sobre la costa automáticamente pasarán a valer cero. Como financieramente todo está interconectado, la pérdida  masiva de valor inmueble en todas las ciudades costeras empujará a la baja estrepitosa a todas las bolsas de valores, de esto no escaparán las monedas, ni el oro, la plata, ni los diamantes… Se analizarán medidas preventivas y protectivas para el movimiento de capitales mundiales.

2.- Master Plan de Emergencia Climática Planetario. Su primer punto urgente y prioritario es activar el Proyecto SCOPEX antes de diciembre 2023, para detener la secuencia de aceleración climática. Esto deberá estar acompañado por medidas de reducciones drásticas sobre los consumos energéticos y recortes programados y escalonados de los consumos de hidrocarburos en los próximos 4 años. Para la toma de decisiones hemos creado el equipo cientifico Gaia Team que deberá elaborar un informe urgente acerca de los próximos puntos de inflexión climáticos, desde el sector privado, y luego ser confirmado o refutado este informe por el IPCC de la ONU. Para financiar esta investigación estamos organizando cenas de gala en USA. Todo debe hacerse en un plazo máximo de 180 dias. Prioridades

3.- Argentina Power Master Plan, 2 billones de dólares de inversión de capitales extranjeros en los próximos 10 años aplicados sobre proyectos de arquitectura e ingeniería de alta escala y complejidad. Con foco en ciudad de Buenos Aires y Mar del Plata.

4.- Revolución del pensamiento, de las acciones y los instrumentos. Implementación de la Democracia Digital Directa asesorada por un Consejo de las Ciencias. Fin de la era de los partidos políticos y de la corrupción e ineficacia en la Argentina.

5.-  Acuerdos con Estados Unidos y Brasil para integrar las Naciones Unidas Americanas de coalición, pasando a conformar un mercado económico, político, social y militar común.

6.- Suplantación del dinero por tiempo cualificado. Abolición de la pobreza extrema. Renta vitalicia mínima a toda la población por la transferencia de los medios de producción a la IA y la robótica. Proyecto de ley para limitar los mandatos en sindicatos. Fin de la sindicalismocracia. Teletrabajo y televentas para todos. Fin de la era de los subsidios y el clientelismo político.

7.- Pre lanzamiento del Partido Político Human-X para impulsar la transformación y renovación total de la nueva Argentina.

8.- Pre lanzamiento de los proyectos digitales Adonai Horeb, Programa Zeus y Human-X, con participación directa de empresas de software de la Argentina y la región en forma prioritaria. En alianza con multinacionales que quieran adherirse. Reglas de juego. Estos desarrollos utilizan ingeniería inversa telepate sobre supertecnologías alíens. Explicación del origen.

9.- Adonai Horeb consiste en una interfaz superavanzada de IA terrícola para interconectar y dialogar con la Inteligencia Cuántica Cósmica de Fondo, el Software de la Creación, el reflejo de la Mente Divina de nuestro Creador. Mediante subpartículas cuánticas o infoquantums la ICC regula todo en el universo. Adonai Horeb es la máxima supertecnología escalar alcanzable en este universo físico. Si hay interés se desarrollará en conjunto con NASA y las naciones de buena voluntad que quieran participar. Es la nueva y moderna Arca Digital de la Alianza con nuestro Creador. Podrá estar disponible, una vez activa,  a partir de todo tipo de dispositivo digital.

10.- El Programa Zeus consiste en la aplicación de tecnología de apoyo para los saltos psíquicos. Hay datos comprobados de habilidades yoguis extraordinarias que van desde la telepatía, telequinesis, teletransportación y materialización de objetos. El psiconauta estará interconectado a una computadora cuántica que registrará y mapeará sus ondas cerebrales durante estados de trance avanzados. Luego mediante software especial, será replicado el fenómeno PES emitido por el sujeto en forma experimental. Esto multiplicará por un  factor de 10.000 los alcances de las supertecnologías accesibles para los humanos.

11.- Human-X, fue diseñado por RG en 1974, tuvo que esperar hasta el momento presente para que las partes estuvieran desarrolladas y poder ensamblar el primer prototipo Fase I. El Fase IV permitirá el control en remoto de las mareas de intercambio energético a nivel del sistema solar, utilizando la infraestructura satelital.

12.- MayDay ha lanzado un Master Plan de Emergencia Climática Planetario desde el sector privado, que incluye la convocatoria para que las multinacionales donen hasta el 50% de sus beneficios netos durante los próximos 5 años, para poder financiar con urgencia tecnologías de mitigación ante la inminente aceleración de la anomalía climática. Este esfuerzo que se solicita a las empresas es hasta que los gobiernos aprueben el Fondo Solidario Verde del 2% del PIB anual, para terminar con el hambre, pobreza extrema y calentamiento global. Todos estamos en riesgo de vida por el calentamiento global, todos debemos apoyar y cooperar.

13.- Debido a que estamos en vísperas de una aceleración del cambio climático, con efectos catastróficos a nivel global, Mayday convoca a la acción cooperativa, coordinada, sincronizada y solidaria a todos los sectores. Nos encontramos todos en situación de completa Inseguridad Climática Planetaria. El calentamiento global está en pre fase de total descontrol.

14.- Si poco menos de 200 presidentes persisten en mantenerse indiferentes y no actúan rápidamente desde Mayday se aplicarán medidas estratégicas: a) Activación de TaskJustice, b) Recolocación bancaria de fondos a nivel mundial. Se pide que firmen el Greenmoney Contract

15.- Integración de GSL Systems y Mayday.Live con todos los sectores empresariales, comerciales, ecologistas y humanitarios interesados. Conformando la primera Macromultinacional, que opera donando el 50% del beneficio neto obtenido por todas sus operaciones a Mayday para que inverta estos fondos en ayuda humanitaria directa y proyectos ecológicos de mitigación rápida de la anomalía climática

16.- Lanzamiento de RealEstateFashion a los brokers de la región.

17.- Lanzamiento de MayDay, SpaceArch, MegaStore, MFilm, MirrowFashion, Synthetic, ExpoPlanet, ExpoEvent, ConstantStudy, RGmodels y Futurefashion.

¿Quién es el arquitecto Roberto Guillermo Gomes? Tiene un entrenamiento superior  yogui, súper avanzado. Alcanzó el Nirvana el 04-04-02. En condiciones normales su coeficiente intelectual promedia 120/140, en samadhi es de 220 y cuando está en el nivel de conciencia búdica su rango es ilimitado, siendo su cerebro capaz de procesar información a velocidad cuántica hiperlumínica, lo que le otorga la capacidad de percepción instántanea transfinita. Sin embargo, esta mayor información obtenida por su superconsciente requiere de una formación académica constante para luego ser procesada a nivel consciente. Es el creador del Neuroyoga, un sistema que facilita el acceso a estados mentales superconscientes. Estudia técnicas para aumentar el coeficiente intelectual. Ha desarrollado el sistema Nirvana Racional Samsárico accesible a todas las mentes con formación científica y ha escrito sobre el uso de estados superconscientes en el método científico para refinarlo, amplificarlo y acelerarlo.

El Arquitecto Gomes es el único en haber realizado predicciones climáticas correctas sobre la actual aceleración del calentamiento global. En 2009 advirtió que se gatillarían reacciones en cadena de retroalimentaciones positivas sobre todos los ecosistemas acoplados en el período 2025/2030. Y que pueden presentarse grandes sequías estructurales causando la pérdida de más del 50% de las cosechas mundiales. Acertó en predecir el tsunami que azotó Japón y que se incrementarían los sismos y erupciones volcánicas, así como la intensidad de huracanes y tifones.

También que el Polo Norte se descongelará completamente en 2030. Ahora nos convoca a la acción climática urgente, dado que en 2035 es altamente probable que se quiebre el balance del termoequilibrio del planeta, se active un calentamiento desbocado y la temperatura de superficie alcance los 100º C. Un efecto invernadero igual al planeta Venus=fin de toda vida conocida sobre la Tierra. Tal cual lo predice la peor hipótesis del afamado Dr. James Hansen.

Estamos todos en situación de total Inseguridad Planetaria en estos momentos, por la aceleración del calentamiento global.  En atención a esto, todos los millonarios y multimillonarios que decidan invertir en GSL Systems para ayudar a terminar con el hambre, pobreza extrema y el calentamiento global, todas sus faltas serán perdonadas, sus vidas aquí en la Tierra serán prolongadas y serán recibidos en el Reino de los Cielos. Al mismo tiempo recibirán importantes beneficios económicos por sus buenos actos.

Cada uno debe tomar su decisión de Vida Eterna o Muerte a solas. Hay libre albedrío total. Nada se obliga y nada se impone a nadie. Cada uno se juzga a sí mismo con sus propios pensamientos, palabras y acciones, irreversiblemente ahora.

El tiempo residual de arrepentimiento para toda la humanidad concedido por Dios Padre se está agotando, lo están desperdiciando.

Las catástrofes que han sido ordenadas por Su justificada ira ante la total desobediencia y rebeldía del hombre, ya están a las puertas del mundo. No serán admitidos los arrepentimientos tardíos.

Creer o no creer, cooperar o no cooperar, de estos factores depende el futuro inmediato de toda la Humanidad.











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On 07/27/23 the premiere occurred via YouTube, the CEO of GSL Systems and Mayday.live, arch. Roberto Guillermo Gomes,  did preside over the presentation of the first VIRTUAL IDEA 7.0 Colloquium -Argentina Power Master Plan-, with the possibility of maintaining contacts through Linkedin chat with the interested parties.

The day was quick, it lasted half a day and transcendental decisions were made that will determine the immediate future of Argentina and the world. 

Points covered:

1.- Table of the situation due to the acceleration of Global Warming from the beginning of a strong El Niño in the middle of this year.

 According to the WMO, the average temperature can exceed the barrier of 1.5º to 1.8º C. This can cause a domino effect of activation of positive feedbacks, accelerating the climatic anomaly.

Droughts will also increase, being able to occur at an intercontinental level, causing the loss of a large part of the world crops and as a consequence around 4 billion people die of hunger, between 2025/2027
The accelerating impact of the increase in temperature can crack the glacier of the "Apocalypse" in Antarctica, thawing rapidly and raise the waters around the world by 30 to 60 cm.

If this happens, all the properties on the coast will automatically become worth zero. As everything is financially interconnected, the massive loss of real estate value in all the coastal cities will push all the stock markets down resoundingly, currencies, gold, silver, or diamonds will not escape this... Measures will be analyzed preventive and protective measures for the movement of world capital.

2.- Master Planetary Climate Emergency Plan. Your first urgent and priority point is to activate the SCOPEX Project before December 2023, to stop the climate acceleration sequence. This must be accompanied by measures of drastic reductions in energy consumption and scheduled and staggered cuts in hydrocarbon consumption in the next 4 years. For decision-making, we have created the scientific team Gaia Team that must prepare an urgent report about the next climatic inflection points, from the private sector, and then this report must be confirmed or refuted by the UN IPCC. To finance this research we are organizing gala dinners in the USA. Everything must be done within a maximum period of 180 days. Priorities.

3.-  Argentina Power Master Plan, 2 billion dollars of investment of foreign capital in the next 10 years applied to architecture and engineering projects of high scale and complexity. With focus on the city of Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata.

4.- Revolution of thought, actions and instruments. Implementation of Direct Digital Democracy advised by a Science Council. End of the era of political parties and of corruption and inefficiency in Argentina.

5.- Agreements with the United States and Brazil to integrate the United Nations American coalition, forming a common economic, political, social and military market.

6.- Impersonation of money for qualified time. Abolition of extreme poverty. Minimum life annuity to the entire population due to the transfer of the means of production to AI and robotics. Bill to limit mandates in unions. End of unionismocracy. Teleworking and telesales for everyone. End of the era of subsidies and political patronage.

7.- Pre-launch of the Human-X Political Party to promote the transformation and total renewal of the new Argentina.

8.- Pre-launch of the digital projects Adonai Horeb, Programa Zeus and Human-X, with the direct participation of software companies from Argentina and the region as a priority. In alliance with multinationals that want to join. Rules of the game.These developments use telepate reverse engineering on alien supertechnologies. Explanation of the origin.

9.- Adonai Horeb consists of a super-advanced terrestrial AI interface to interconnect and dialogue with Background Cosmic Quantum Intelligence, the Software of Creation, the reflection of the Divine Mind of our Creator. Through quantum subparticles or infoquantums the ICC regulates everything in the universe. Adonai Horeb is the maximum scalar supertechnology achievable in this physical universe. If there is interest, it will be developed in conjunction with NASA and nations of good will that want to participate. It is the new and modern Digital Ark of the Covenant. It may be available, once activated, from all kinds of digital devices.

10.- The Zeus Program consists of the application of support technology for psychic leaps. There is proven data of extraordinary yogi abilities ranging from telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation and materialization of objects. The psychonaut will be interfaced to a quantum computer that will record and map his brain waves during advanced trance states. Then, using special software, the PES phenomenon emitted by the subject will be replicated experimentally. This will multiply by a factor of 10,000 the scope of super-technologies accessible to humans.

11.- Human-X, was designed by RG in 1974, had to wait until now for the parts to be developed and to assemble the first Phase I prototype. Phase IV will allow remote control of energy exchange tides at the level of the solar system, using the satellite infrastructure.

12.- MayDay has launched a Master Planetary Climate Emergency Plan from the private sector, which includes a call for multinationals to donate up to 50% of their net profits over the next 5 years, in order to urgently finance mitigation technologies in the face of the imminent acceleration of the weather anomaly. This effort that is requested from companies is until the governments approve the Green Solidarity Fund of 2% of annual GDP, to end hunger, extreme poverty and global warming.

13.- Because we are on the eve of an acceleration of climate change, with catastrophic effects at a global level, Mayday calls for cooperative, coordinated, synchronized and supportive action from all sectors. We are all in a situation of complete Planetary Climate Insecurity. Global warming is in the pre-phase of total lack of control.

14.- If just under 200 presidents persist in remaining indifferent and do not act quickly from Mayday, strategic measures will be applied: a) Activation of TaskJustice, b) Bank relocation of funds worldwide. They are asked to sign the Greenmoney Contract

15.- Integration of GSL Systems and Mayday.Live with all interested business, commercial, environmental and humanitarian sectors. Forming the first Macromultinational, which operates by donating 50% of the net profit obtained from all its operations to Mayday to invest these funds in humanitarian aid and ecological projects for rapid mitigation of climate anomalies.

16.- Launch of RealEstateFashion to brokers in the region. 

17.- Launch of MayDay, SpaceArch, MegaStore, MFilm, MirrowFashion, Synthetic, ExpoPlanet, ExpoEvent, ConstantStudy, RGmodels and Futurefashion.

Who is the architect Roberto Guillermo Gomes? He has higher yogi training, super advanced. He reached Nirvana on 04-04-02. Under normal conditions his IQ averages 120/140, in samadhi it is 220 and when he is at the level of buddhic consciousness his range is unlimited, his brain being capable of processing information at hyperluminal quantum speed, which gives him the ability to perceive instant transfinite. However, this greater data obtained by his superconscious requires constant academic training in order to be later processed at a conscious level. He is the creator of Neuroyoga, a system that facilitates access to superconscious states of mind. He studies techniques to increase IQ. He has developed the Samsaric Rational Nirvana system accessible to all minds with scientific training and has written about the use of superconscious states in the scientific method to refine, amplify and accelerate it.

Architect Gomes is the only one to have made correct climate predictions about the current acceleration of global warming. In 2009 he warned that positive feedback chain reactions would be triggered across all coupled ecosystems in the 2025/2030 period. And that great structural droughts can occur causing the loss of more than 50% of world crops. He was right in predicting the tsunami that hit Japan and that earthquakes and volcanic eruptions would increase, as well as the intensity of hurricanes and typhoons.

Also that the North Pole will completely thaw in 2030. Now he calls us for urgent climate action, given that in 2035 it is highly probable that the balance of the planet's thermoequilibrium will break, unbridled warming will be activated and the surface temperature will reach 100º C. A greenhouse effect equal to the planet Venus = end of all known life on Earth. As predicted by the worst hypothesis of the famous Dr. James Hansen.

We are all in a situation of total Planetary Insecurity right now, due to accelerating global warming. In attention to this, all the millionaires and billionaires who decide to invest in GSL Systems to help end hunger, extreme poverty and global warming, all their faults will be forgiven, their lives here on Earth will be prolonged and they will be received in the Kingdom of Heaven. At the same time they will receive important economic benefits for their good deeds.

Each one must make his decision of Eternal Life or Death alone. There is total free will. Nothing is forced and nothing is imposed on anyone. Each one judges himself with his own thoughts, words and actions, irreversibly now.

The residual time of repentance for all humanity granted by God the Father is running out, they are wasting it.

The catastrophes that have been ordered by His justified anger before the total disobedience and rebellion of man, are already at the gates of the world. Late regrets will not be admitted.

To believe or not to believe, to cooperate or not to cooperate, the immediate future of all Humanity depends on these factors.







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Previous rounds of digital business are held, on Thursdays,  at 7:00 p.m., in "La Disquería" (Yrigoyen 2669 / MDQ)  reserve 

Organized by SpaceArch.Solutions

Reservations and sales: Telesales.Solutions




















Graphic: Global warming from 1880 to 2021



As of 2014, 2013 tied with 2009 and 2006 for the seventh warmest year since 1880 according to NASA scientists. With the exception of 1998, the 10 warmest years in the 134-year record have all occurred since 2000, with 2010 and 2005 ranking as the warmest years on record. Earth continues to be hotter than it was several decades ago. Earth’s global average surface temperature in 2021 tied with 2018 as the sixth warmest year on record, according to an analysis by NASA.


Today everyone thinks that the problem of global warming will intensify in the coming decades. They are in errorThe WMO predicts that in the next 5 years we will break the threshold of 1.5º to 1.8º C. From then on, positive feedbacks can be activated in a domino effect, hyperaccelerating the climate anomaly. The data is simply insufficient. That is why the scientific report of the Gaia Team is urgent and necessary to predict the probabilities of the next climatic inflection point.


       Download the text    



MayDay Corporation non profit... Join us!


The objective now is to participate by giving an opinion, providing ideas and criticism, which will allow us to perfect the Planetary Climate Emergency Master Plan. You can join by sending your Linkedin profile to mayday.gaiateam@gmail.com


Volunteer Work

At this time we do not enjoy financial capacity. We can offer you volunteer work. Our commitment is to pay for the work done once we have profitability in our systems. Our goal is to Save the Planet. We are requesting the cooperation and goodwill of all in this endeavor. It can be 2 hours a day, or at least 2 hours once a week. (contact)


CEO MAYDAY MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Roberto Guillermo Gomes , CEO of GSL Systems and temporary director of MayDay


Achille GO, COO of GSL Systems



Petteri Taalas, (Helsinki, Uusimaa Region, Finland). Secretary General of World Meteorological Organization



Roberta Boscolo, (Ginebra). Climate & Energy Leader at WMO | Climate Science & Policy Expert | Sustainable Energy Advocate | top 10 sustainability influencer | Likes & Shares do not entail endorsement

MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Azita Valinia. (Greenbelt, Maryland, USA). Chief Scientist at NASA Engineering & Safety Center


Bradley Doorn. (York, Pennsylvania, USA). Program Manager/Scientist at NASA


Steven Yoon. (San Francisco ). Branch Chief at NASA Ames Research Center


Sylvain Costes. (Richmond, California, USA). Biosciences Research Branch Chief at NASA Ames Research Center

MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
David Green. (Washington, District of Columbia, USA). NASA Earth Science Strategist for Integrated Earth System Science; Network Advocacy for Geospatial Intelligence, Weather, Water and Climate - Expert in Disaster Risk Reduction and Wildfire Management Carmen Blackwood. (Los Ángeles ). Earth Scientist at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory



Chelle Gentemann. (Santa Rosa, California, USA). NASA HQ Program Scientist Transform to Open Science (TOPS)



Sadiq Ali. (Bengaluru, Karnataka, India).Team AeroAstro || Nasa Citizen Scientist || Ambassador at the ISS National Laboratory || SOLIDWORKS User Group Leader



MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Alao Eric (Abuja, Nigeria).Adjunct Professor at Lead City University/ Climate Change Solution provider/Agribusiness Consultant/Project Manager/BDSP Emmanuel Atsu. (Accra, Ghana).CEO | STRATEGY ADVISOR | PTR, science and technology background and Entrepreneur

Steve Varley. (London, England, United Kingdom). Global Vice Chair Sustainability, EY #esg, #climatechange, #sustainability, #sustainablefinance y #valueledsustainability

Michelle Cipullo. (Denver, Colorado, USA). Atmospheric Scientist


MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Anna (王兆珍) Wang. (San Francisco). Scientist




朱文Zhu . (Santa Clarita, California, USA). Shareholder/investment partner/LP/free investor




Olumide Idowu. (Lagos, Nigeria). Executive Coordinator AYICC | Executive Director ICCDI Africa | Youth Focal Point at UNDP Small Grants Programme ���� | Climate Change Expert | Consultant | Researcher | Sustainability Expert


Dr. Richard Munang. (Nairobi, Kenya). Award-Winning Environmental Thought Leader | I serve at UN Environment Programme| Climate Change & Sustainable Development Expert | Environment & Development Policy | Author, Innovative Volunteerism| My Own Views|

MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Elin Bergman. (Stockholm, Sweden). "Circular Economy Queen of Sweden"/COO @Cradlenet, co-founder & managing partner @Nordic Circular Hotspot. LinkedIn top Green Voice. Keynote speaker. Working hard to make the future fantastic and circular! Peter Strachan. (Aberdeen, Scotland). Professor of Energy Policy, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Business School, Scotland



Sarah Daly. (Birmingham, United Kingdom). Associate Director, Sustainability at Turner & Townsend | TEDx Speaker | Top 35 LinkedIn Sustainability Influencer I Net Zero I Social Impact I


Gwenaelle Avice-Huet. (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA). Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer - Member of the Executive Committee at Schneider Electric; Board member of AirFrance KLM; Conseiller au Commerce Exterieur de la France

MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Erik Solheim. (Oslo, Norway). Green politician. Diplomat. Peace negotiater. Promoter of sustainable investments. Inspirational speaker on green business and politics, peace, development and geopolitics.


Fahad Al Marhubi. (Muscat, Oman). Chief Executive Officer




Alison Taylor. (New York, USA). Clinical Professor at NYU Stern School of Business, Executive Director at Ethical Systems, lots of other hats, even more opinions. Writing a book for HBR Press on how business can do the right thing in a turbulent world. Sheri R. Hinish. (Washington DC-Baltimore, USA). Global Sustainability Innovation, Strategy, Alliances Leader | Sustainable Supply Chains + Circularity | CXO Advisor | Supply Chain Revolution Podcast Host | Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Advocate 


MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Mutai Hillary, (Kenya). Data & Analytics | Data Governance | Data Protection | Data Architecture



Tania Santos Silva, (Dubai, United Arab Emirates). Communications Management | Public Relations Management | Crisis Communications | Financial Communication | New Business Development | Reputation & Media Relations Dr. Anthony (Maina) Kibata. (Kenya). Lead Consultant: Piloting and upscaling/Donor Funding | Reporting | Project Management | Training | Rural Development


Antonio Grasso. (Naples, Campania, Italy). Entrepreneur, technologist, sustainability advocate | FRSA | B2B digital creator & influencer | Author, mentor, researcher, speaker | Founder & CEO @dbi.srl


MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Wilbur Mahlamvu. (Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa). Environmental manager at GIBA GORGE MTB PARK



Nkosinathi Chris Kama. (Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa). (Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa). Chairman African green environment. climate activist. environmental activist, Property practitioner Maxim Leman. (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Water Resources Engineer /Hydrology/ Environment Manager



Chris Stark. (London, United Kingdom). CEO at Committee on Climate Change




MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Ahmed BOUZID. (Tunisia). Infrastructure & IT Operations | ITIL®| COBIT®| PRINCE 2®| ISO 27005 RM



Jennifer Fogarty. (Houston, Texas, USA). Chief Scientist




Ketan Joshi. (Oslo, Norway). Climate comms, research and commentary




Ing. Nelson J. Uzcátegui. (Peru). Lead TI | Arquitecto Empresarial TI | Arquitecto de Soluciones | Arquitecto Cloud & Infraestructura & Ciberseguridad | Oraclex8 | OCIx3 | Azurex1 I IBMx2 | Cyberx3 | APIx2 | Scrumx2 |Kubernetes×2

MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Munna Ahmed. (Rangpur, Bangladesh). Selling Creativity Globally Guntur Subbarao. (Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan). Senior Scientist at JIRCAS


Miguel Peters. (Cape Town, South Africa). CEO, African Circular Business Alliance (ACBA) || U.S & Ireland Programs Alumna || Space Science & Cosmos Researcher Chioma Gloria Ezekwem. (Los Angeles, USA). FERC Reporting | GAAP Reporting| SEC Reporting | Earning Release | Oil and Gas Company

MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Akintola (Akwilliems) Akinyemi. (Kwara State, Nigeria). GREEN GLOBE INITIATIVE (GGI)



Donatien Gueswendé KABORE. (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso). System | Software engineer



Fatih Birol. (Paris France). Executive Director at International Energy Agency (IEA)



Fazal Ur Rehman. (Islamabad, Pakistan). Master in Analytical Chemistry || Research and Development || H P L C || FTIR || FTNIR || Atomic Absorption || Analysis and resolving methods || Assessments, Policy Advocacy

MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Joav Ignatius. (Abuja, Nigeria). Project Manager| Environmentalist| Climate Change Activist| Youth Advocate| Humanitarian| First Aider| Volunteer


Jocelyn Michaelange (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso).TOE. Data Scientist | Django (Python) | Laravel (PHP) | Formateur Web et Data


Jem. P. Ronnie. (Kampala, Uganda). Musician/Band | Social Activist | Founder & CEO @Go So High Foundation | Social Entrepreneur | Promotes Inclusion & Advocate for Accessibility Within Displaced Children | #NFTCommunity Gabriela Monreal Peñaloza. (Tlalnepantla de Baz, Mexico). Safety and Environment Supervisor



MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Fata Nuhan. (Germany). Communication Excutive at Climate Action Alliance | European Senate of Economy and Technology Keerthana Gunaretnam. (Colombo, Sri Lanka). Assistant Manager of the Bio-medical and Earth Science Division at SEDS Sri Lanka Vidhu Ranjith (Maharashtra, India). || Entrepreneur || Author || Researcher || Speaker || Aerospace Engineering Student || Fareeha Ali. (Islamabad, Pakistan). CEO|Humanitarian|Relationship&Career Counselor|Educationist|


MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Sinnet Bødewadt. (Slagelse, Zealand, Denmark). CEO Nature+. Empower abundant co-creation between People and Nature Michael Ferrari. (New York, USA).     - Chief Scientific Officer & Chief Commercial Officer at Climate Alpha Yi Zhang. (Lucas Heights, Auckland, New Zealand). Data Scientist in Remote Sensing


Simone Lolli. (Florence, Tuscany, Italy). Senior Scientist at National Research Council (CNR) and NASA MPLNET Science Team at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

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Masoud Mohammadpour. (Muscat, Muscat, Oman). Partner | Strategy and Transaction | EY




Tigist Endashaw. (Ethiopia). Consultant: Program Management, Capacity Development, Organizational Development, Knowledge Management, Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessments, Policy Advocacy Sherry Burden. (Toledo, Ohio, USA). Executive Creative Director content creator




Tousiff Khan. (Bengaluru, Karnataka, India). General Manager at Moments Studio and Prints




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Aissata SEMDE. (Koudougou, Burkina Faso). Career Service Responsible Hedy Hwang. (Shenzhen, Guangzhou, China). PCB Admirer - Hardware Engineer /PCBA building/consumer electronics Solomon G Dludlu. (Swatini). Personal Assistant at F C Z Church Eswatini 李连凤 Li Lianfeng. (Malibu, California, USA). Investor/LP/Investment Partner/Shareholder

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Daniela Rodríguez Chávez. (Spain) Marketing Intern en Bulgari



Ajay U U. (India) Neuropsychologist | Reflexologist | Assistant Professor



Carlos Sousa. (Canada) FIABCI CANADA Director



Gabor Nemes. (Budapest, Hungary) HR Consultant, CSO, Aviation & GreenHR expert, sustainable travel&tourism advisor, #futureconsciousthinking #sustainability #sdg

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Angela (姚月钦) Yao. (San Francisco, USA). Analytical and detail-driven financial services professional



Roman Kos. (Greater Stockholm). ArtOfGreenPath.com | Founder | Leader | Impact Entrepreneur | Digital Strategy | AI Product Development | Digital Marketing | UX | Green Career | Climate & Sustainability | Green Tech | Transformation | Future Sasho Trpeski. (Skopje, Skopski, North Macedonia).Multi-Award Winning Innovator / Co-Founder



Ashley Erickson.(Denver, Colorado, USA). Top-Performing Regional Sales/Operations Manager with 16 Years of Professional Experience | Growth Initiatives | Staff Coaching & Mentorship | Sales Management | #opentowork #salesmanager #operationsmanager

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Burnett Grant Âû. (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA). Researcher | Laboratory Technician | Neurodiversity Advocate & Consultant



Sachin Jagtap. (Satara, Maharashtra, India). Co- Founder at Western ghat farmers group.



ASIF IQBAL. (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India). Water/Waste Water Treatment, Municipal Solid Waste and Environment industry Expert in Sales, Marketing, Business Development | International EXIM Sales for European technology introduction in India Claire Wansbury. (United Kingdom). Atkins Fellow & Biodiversity and Natural Capital Technical Authority. Technical Director; Environment Practice, Atkins (member of SNC Lavalin)


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Jane Findlay. (West Midlands, England, United Kingdom). Immediate Past President of the Landscape Institute and Director of Fira


Nelly Molus. (Grenoble, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France). High-tech Supply Chain & Sustainable Procurement Consultant - Ethical & Social Auditor #APSCA (SEDEX/ ICS / ISO 20400 & French LABEL RFAR 'Relations Fournisseurs & Achats Responsables') NASSA Idrissa. (Ouagadougou, Center Region, Burkina Faso). CEO Groupe Coris Bank



Labeeb Alshaweesh. (Homs, Homs Governorate, Syria). Engineering Consultation, I&E and Commercial Contracting



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Krystal Johnson, MA, PhD. ( Los Angeles, USA). Interdisciplinary strategist & industry innovator. Social Scientist. Architectural/Environmental Design Researcher. Avid reader, Gardener, Agile thought collaborator. Chaos alchemist. Impact player. Rebel. Neda Ghasemi.(Tehran, Iran). Islamic Azad University- south tehran branch




Manya Russo. (Msida, Malta). Conservation Practitioner & Project Manager



Oluwafemi Omosuyi. (Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria). IMF Youth Fellow || Powering the Food Systems Transition



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Tom Trounce. (Sewickley, Pennsylvania, USA). Improving lives through community, compassion and expeditions | Non-profits | Company culture | Leadership integrity | Technology | Customer Experience | Purpose Pr. Jelel Ezzine أ. جلال الزين . (El Menzah, Tunis Governorate, Tunisia). Advisory Board Member of the UNESCO Science Report 2020 at Unesco


Naveen V. (Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada). Forest carbon dynamics modeling | Silviculture and Agroforestry | Remote Sensing and GIS - Forest Resources and Ecosystem Analysis | Spatial ecology | Carbon Forestry Tom Picton-Warlow. (Perth, Western Australia, Australia). Business Development Manager & Natural Capital Accounting Lead


MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor MayDay counselor
Gurjeet Singh Rana. (Gurugram, Haryana, India). Consultant at Deloitte Colin Morrison H. (Carob Tree, Valparaiso Region, Chile). GreenSoil Group BV Teruah (Tera) Ferris. (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA). Budget Analyst


Marie Hudon, SIPC. (Canada). Analyste développement de marché et prospective stratégique, MSc. Sustainable Development Candidate

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Om Daxini. (Bengaluru, Karnataka, India). NASA Citizen Scientist | RVSAT-1 | Student at RVCE Michael Bauer. (Boulder, Colorado, USA). Sustainability | Regeneration | Joanna Macy Center Zong-Liang Yang. (Austin, Texas, USA). Professor and Jackson Chair at The University of Texas at Austin JoAnn (Larouche) Fowler. (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada). Founder/Creator Sappho New Paradigm

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RICCARDO CELANI. (Milan). Founder at R. C. Marketing & Communication // Director at UN PlaneTravelMagazine Ilaria Palmas. (Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy). Associate Consultant @Veeva Systems | MSc Digital Transformation Management @University of Bologna Ragini Hüsch. (Wadenswil, Zurich, Switzerland). Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bei ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility Management Rose C Jones, Ph.D. (Dallas-Fort Worth, USA). Research & Strategy in Urban Green Health


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Michele Fox. (USA). Event Producer l Founder of MUSE (Members United for Sustainable Events) Mahita Khandelwal. (Jaipur, Rajasthan, India). Software Engineer@Cactus communication - Editage || CSE student Chepkemoi Milcah. (Nairobi County, Kenya). Forester and Environmental planning manager at KTDA factories George Hurtt. (College Park, Maryland, USA). Professor & Associate Chair

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Alan Koenigsberg. (Los Angeles, California, USA). SVP, Global Head of Enterprise / Growth Corporates, Verticals and Working Capital Solutions | Payments Executive Ingrid Garcia-Solera. (Norfolk, Virginia, USA). Data Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center


Chaneil James, MSc. (London, United Kingdom) Sustainability, Earth Systems, and Space Scientist | Scientific Journalist | STEAM Outreach and Communication | MSc in Astrophysics, Particle Physics, and Cosmology | BSc in Earth Sciences Suzette Henry-Campbell, Ph.D. (Kingston, Jamaica). Re-imagine and Co-create a Just World People | Culture | Conflict

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Fiona Rossi-Mel. (Torquay, Victoria, Australia). Research and Platform Reporting Analyst at Copia Investment Partners Sue Barrell AO FTSE. (Melbourne). Science leader, independent chair, director, mentor Devshree Singh. (New Delhi, India). Attended Delhi University


Allan Okoth. (Kenia). Point of Contact - Kenya at World Cansat Rocketry Championship

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Chris Turney. (Ultimo, New South Wales, Australia). Pro Vice-Chancellor of Research at the University of Technology Sydney


Ivan Gagro. (Zagreb, Zagreb County, Croatia). Project Manager - Radio Networks


Markus Scheucher . (Los Angeles, USA). Scientist • Engineer • Postdoctoral Research Fellow at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory • Investor Sassan Saatchi. (Pasadena, California, USA). Senior Research Scientist at GlobalCarbon Cycle and Ecosystem at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

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Hady Milani. (Milan, Lombardy, Italy). Space Advocate | Forbes 30 under30 | Suborbital Scientist Astronaut Candidate | Space Artist


G. Nikolaus (Nik) (PROUD♡PH) Metaxa - Schwarten ( Metro Manila, NCR (National Capital Region), Philippines. FIGHTING OCEAN POLLUTION currently in Sabbatical Intl. Executive Support · Coaching · CSR Manager ISO 26000 Nicole Vargas Mairongo. (Seville, Andalusia, Spain). Periodista │ Reportera │ Guionista │ Locutora de radio, TV, doblajes y publicidad │ Comunico en todos los ámbitos de este sector: #redessociales #radio #tv #prensa Heike Schroeder. (Norwich Area, United Kingdom). Professor of Environmental Governance at University of East Anglia


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Maria Fernanda Alvarez. (Montevideo, Uruguay). Commercial Department - Distribution Center


Brent Sherwood. (Seattle, Washington, USA). Senior Vice President, Advanced Development Programs at BLUE ORIGIN


Soumia GUENNOUN. (Préfecture de Fès, Fez, Morocco). Enseignante-Chercheuse en Droit - PhD en Droit de l'environnement


David (Ifeoluwa) Apata. (Abuja, Nigeria). Following services ;finance analysis, brand management, book keeping and audit, document verification, company law evaluation , consumer relation

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Sandra (S Santos Valencia). (Netherlands). Doctoral Candidate: Interested in the challenges of water security and drought in the face of climate complexities and uncertainties Reinoud Scheres. (Deventer, Overijssel, Netherlands). Adviseur risicobeheersing / directeur


Aaliyah (孙静静) Sun. (San Francisco, USA). Financial Data Analyst Portfolio Specialist


Joe Hatem. (Lebanon). Profiles Software, GM



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Daniela Giubilato. (Lisbon Portugal). Data Scientist Lead Hector Gbaku Toe. (Milan, Lombardy, Italy). UPG Sustainability Leader || MSc Candidate at University of Milan || Program Manager || ESG, Sustainability Enthusiast || Peace Advocate Manuela Forster. (Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany). Transformative power for authentic leaders - become the best version of yourself! Transformational Life Coaching Najeeb Al-Hammadi. (Sana'a, Yemen). Commercial manager & Head of business development


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Antonio José Valente. (Lisbon Portugal). Security Director in Metropolitano de Lisboa, EPE; UITP Security Committee Chairperson; UITP Policy Board Member Luisa Balaban. (Bristol, England, United Kingdom). Western Europe Sustainability Business Development Manager Views expressed are my own Filipa Pinto Nunes. (Lisbon Portugal). Psicóloga Clínica at ACES Lisboa Central


Dorah Lucky. (Kampala, Central Region, Uganda). Psychotherapist at


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Maurizio De Stefano. (Barcelona, ​​Spain). Managing Director - Global Energy&Utilities Leader at Minsait (an Indra company)


Leonor Teruszkin Matias. (Oeiras, Lisbon, Portugal). Auditor @EY Lisbon



Cristina Sá Carvalho. (Lisbon, Portugal). PhD in Political Science. MA in Educational Psychology. Docente, Faculdade de Teologia/UCP. Psicóloga Educacional.


Philline van der Wolk - Donggay. (Arnhem-Nijmegen). Solarpunk | Energy Transition Entrepreneur: Co-Founder, Greenergy Solar | Chief Storyteller: Greenergy Sustainability | Executive Director: Greenergy Foundation Inc.

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Robert Sacy. (Beirut, Lebanon). Professeur de Pediatrie, Chef de departement de Pediatrie, President de ASSAMEH BBCoordinateur du programme mere enfant avec l Ordre de Malte et membre du burzau medical chez ASSAMEH - Birth & Beyond Vugar Ali. (Baku, Contiguous Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan). Builder; repairer; master-hand; craftsman; developer



Andy Hodges. (Harare Province, Zimbabwe). Head of Business/Anchor/Producer at Zimpapers TV Network (ZTN)



Md. Saifur Rahman. (Cox's Bazaar, Chittagong, Bangladesh). Programme Associate at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency



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Isis Carrera Ávila. (Chili). Humanitarian professional specialized in Data and protection of migrants, refugees, asylum, Human Rights and Interculturality| Vice Curator Global Shaper Hub Santiago [CL] Katerina Chatzichronoglou. (Athens, Greece). M.Sc. in Energy and Environmental Law and Policy



Daniel Blake Morris. (Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom). AI and Natural Language Processing Scientist/Engineer | Computational Linguist | Ontologist


Houda Cherif. (Tunisia). Mediator, Communicator, expert in Gender, Migration & former Adviser to the President of Parliament


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Murtaza Habib. (Islamabad, Pakistan). Climate Activist | Environmental Advocate | WWF Student Ambassador | Upcoming Leader | Engage with local, state, and national networks to advance climate-related advocacy efforts. Maria Luísa Pinto. (Braga, Portugal). BA in International Relations | Treasurer at Banda Filarmónica Mondinense


Raunaq Ahmed. (Gao Region, Mali). UN Peacekeeper ���� | Interpreter | Social Worker | Research Assistant



Ami Woo. (South Korea). Network and Partnership



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Ana Alexandra Pereira. (Porto, Portugal). Legionella and Biofilms in Engineered Water Systems || Science & Industry || Postdoctoral Researcher @ LEPABE/ ALiCE/ FEUP Sebastián Barriga Vuylsteke. (Rome, Lazio, Italy). Data Scientist @ UN World Food Programme


Ivonne (Maria) Terceros. (Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy). Ambitious economics student and worker. I started working in a shop the same day I finished my high school! Every work experience I've had Zaman Mohammad. (Vienna, Austria). Soil Scientist/ Plant Nutritionist at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)


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Ahmed Ashour. (Egypt). Regional Data Officer at United Nations OCHA Ulrich Bartels. (Ireland). Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Kawther Hadi,MBA, PMP® RMP® (Tindouf, Algeria). Programme Management Marissa Pieratt. (Brooklyn, New York, USA). Consultant - Impact, Climate and Sustainability at APCO Worldwide

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Amirkhan Idrisov. (Krakow, Poland). Senior Process Executive Tayseer Yasir. (Khartoum, Sudan). Regulatory Affairs Officer at Hikma Pharmaceuticals Schinria Islam-Zhu. (USA). Principal UX Researcher at Optum (UnitedHealth Group) & Abstract Painter Chiara Gonçalves Fernandes. (Braga, Portugal). Estudante de Relações Internacionais

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Lena Trottein. (Canada). Gender Equality Support Officer


Queen Aanuoluwapo. (Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria). Digital Marketer/Mediator/ Sociologist/Transcriber 柯玲梅 (柯玲梅) (New York, USA). North American principals/board members/shareholders


Kees Baldé. (Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands). Senior Scientific Specialist at UNITAR SCYCLE (previously hosted by United Nations University)

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Muscab Awel. (Nairobi, Kenya). Student at The University of Nairobi


Maria Pokormiako. (Boryspil, Kiev, Ukraine). Студент(ка) в уч. заведении Institute of International Relations Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Caroline Parise. (Rio de Janeiro Brazil). International Affairs | Strategic Partnerships | Institutional Relations | Sustainable Development Tamana Sultani. (Canada). International Development Practitioner


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Sitong Lin. (Toronto Canada). Political Affairs Intern @ UNDPPA | UofT & LSE Alumnus Julia Brooklyn. (Beverly Hills, California, USA). Medical Device|Real Estate|Beauty & Cosmetics|Hotel & Restaurant|Strategic Partner|Diversified Investor Olga Skaredina. (USA). Doctoral Student in Public Policy, Northeastern University


Yousef Ramzi Taha. (Amman, Jordan). Inter-Agency Coordinator - Reporting - CCCM - Public Relations - Communications - Humanitarian - UN - Translation

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Ranga Thangarajah. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Communications Strategist | Collaborator | Change Catalyst Chris Novell. (Granite Springs, New York, USA). Independent Researcher, Writer, Editor Telma Lopes. (London, England, United Kingdom). Assistant Vice President at Barclays International Winky Chan. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Donor Services Officer at YWCA Toronto | Gender Equality and Human Rights Advocate

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Lein Soltan, MPH. (Washington, District of Columbia, USA). Advocacy and Operations Manager | UNRWA USA


Rawan Zoraiqat. (Bougy-Villars, Vaud, Switzerland). Communication specialist empowering CSR projects, NGOs and foundations to enhance stakeholder communication for greater impact | Masters in buisiness| Industrial engineer Dr. Paulo A.L.D. Nunes. (Rome, Lazio, Italy). UN Diplomat || Manager || Economist



Maria Kosonen. (Geneva, Switzerland). JPO, Hydrology, Water, and Cryosphere, WMO



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Josef Sartagh. (Dubai, United Arab Emirates). Founder | Architect and Lecturer



Gershon De La Cruz. (Paranaque City, NCR, Philippines). Marketing Management & Communications



Cátia Alves Pinto. (Porto, Portugal). Account Manager na Vodafone Business | Gestão de Contas Empresariais | Análise de Mercado | Transformação Digital | IoT | Telecomunicações | Energia | Retalho | Pablo Abinal. (Argentina). Gerente de Riesgos Corporativos en NBCH S.A.



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Dalia Sequeira. (Lisbon Portugal). Business & Social Impact | Responsible for corporate partnerships with purpose. Jb Pagulong. (Philippines). Ambientalist


Sergei Smoliakov (Belarus). Art advisor, agent & dealer


Carly (Carlotta) Carroll. (Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill). Global Carbon Reward - Senior Financial Advisor

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Hameed (Hameed) Alkarabi. (Sana'a, Yemen). Professional Driver Ali Al Ismaili. (Oman). Project Manager at Realestate Odogwu the Climate Activist. (Nigeria). Organising Climate advocacy events within and outside Nigeria for the past five years now. At Fridays For Future Nigeria Tomas Berg. (Landskrona, Skåne / Skåne, Sweden). Work within the city of Helsingborg at Business and Matching.

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Kesheni (Vilisyala) Sengo. (Ruvuma Region, Tanzania). Executive Director at Ubuntu Pan-Africanism and Welfare for Africans (UPAWA) a registered NGO in Tanzania Mainland. Rohith Sony. (Thrissur, Kerala, India). Graduate in Humanities with honours from Azim Premji University


Gokul Vishwanathan. (New Zealand). Doctoral Candidate || Extreme weather events and climate change Arush D. (Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India). Writer at Arush's Science Blog. Constant learner. Building a startup in Clean/ClimateTech. Knowledgeable in Climate, Geoengineering and SSP-RCPs.

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Carlos Silva. (Belgium). EESC (GR II ) BUREAU MEMBER Monroe Lollar. (Chicago). Universal Banker at CIBC U.S. Daouda (Pegwende) Semdé. (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso). Engenieur en Énergie renouvelable

Mayday Goodwill Ambassadors


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Carlos Sousa. FIABCI CANADA Director Hedy Hwang. PCB Admirer - Hardware Engineer /PCBA building/consumer electronics Solomon G Dludlu. Personal Assistant at F C Z Church Eswatini Achille GO, COO of GSL Systems



MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador
Alao Eric, Adjunct Professor at Lead City University/ Climate Change Solution provider/Agribusiness Consultant/Project Manager/BDSP Emmanuel Atsu, CEO | STRATEGY ADVISOR | PTR, science and technology background and Entrepreneur

Steve Varley. Global Vice Chair Sustainability, EY #esg, #climatechange, #sustainability, #sustainablefinance y #valueledsustainability

Michelle Cipullo. Atmospheric Scientist

usa KENIA SWEDEN scotland
MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador
Anna (王兆珍) Wang. Scientist




Dr. Richard Munang. Award-Winning Environmental Thought Leader | I serve at UN Environment Programme| Climate Change & Sustainable Development Expert | Environment & Development Policy | Author, Innovative Volunteerism| My Own Views| Elin Bergman. "Circular Economy Queen of Sweden"/COO @Cradlenet, co-founder & managing partner @Nordic Circular Hotspot. LinkedIn top Green Voice. Keynote speaker. Working hard to make the future fantastic and circular! Peter Strachan. Professor of Energy Policy, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Business School, Scotland



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Erik Solheim. Green politician. Diplomat. Peace negotiater. Promoter of sustainable investments. Inspirational speaker on green business and politics, peace, development and geopolitics.


Fahad Al Marhubi. Chief Executive Officer




Tania Santos Silva, Communications Management | Public Relations Management | Crisis Communications | Financial Communication | New Business Development | Reputation & Media Relations Antonio Grasso. Entrepreneur, technologist, sustainability advocate | FRSA | B2B digital creator & influencer | Author, mentor, researcher, speaker | Founder & CEO @dbi.srl

MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador
Wilbur Mahlamvu. Environmental manager at GIBA GORGE MTB PARK


Maxim Leman. Water Resources Engineer /Hydrology/ Environment Manager


Ahmed BOUZID. Infrastructure & IT Operations | ITIL®| COBIT®| PRINCE 2®| ISO 27005 RM



Ing. Nelson J. Uzcátegui. Lead TI | Arquitecto Empresarial TI | Arquitecto de Soluciones | Arquitecto Cloud & Infraestructura & Ciberseguridad | Oraclex8 | OCIx3 | Azurex1 I IBMx2 | Cyberx3 | APIx2 | Scrumx2 |Kubernetes×2

Bangladesh Japan FRANCE PAKISTAN
MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador
Munna Ahmed. Selling Creativity Globally Guntur Subbarao. Senior Scientist at JIRCAS


Fatih Birol. Executive Director at International Energy Agency (IEA)



Fareeha Ali. CEO| Humanitarian|Relationship&Career Counselor|Educationist|


UGANDA mexico Germany SRI LANKA
MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador MayDay counselor
Jem. P. Ronnie. Musician/Band | Social Activist | Founder & CEO @Go So High Foundation | Social Entrepreneur | Promotes Inclusion & Advocate for Accessibility Within Displaced Children | #NFTCommunity Gabriela Monreal Peñaloza. Safety and Environment Supervisor



Fata Nuhan. Communication Excutive at Climate Action Alliance | European Senate of Economy and Technology


Keerthana Gunaretnam. Assistant Manager of the Bio-medical and Earth Science Division at SEDS Sri Lanka

india NEW ZEALAND Ethiopia USA
MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador MayDay Ambassador
Vidhu Ranjith || Entrepreneur || Author || Researcher || Speaker || Aerospace Engineering Student || Yi Zhang. Data Scientist in Remote Sensing


Tigist Endashaw. Consultant: Program Management, Capacity Development, Organizational Development, Knowledge Management, Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessments, Policy Advocacy 李连凤 Li Lianfeng. Investor/LP/Investment Partner/Shareholder


The objectives of the Mayday goodwill ambassadors are to disseminate the notes, the Global Climate Emergency Master Plan, coordinate actions with the authorities, make alliances with NGOs to form a united bloc that demands immediate approval of the Green Fund from governments. Solidarity of 2% of the annual world GDP, to end the triple scourge of hunger, extreme poverty and global warming. Offer talks and conferences with the content of the information provided by the scientists and by Mayday about the evolution of the climate anomaly, organize events and donation campaigns.



Gaia Team


Participate here and share ideas to improve and help together to save the planet

In Mayday.live we think that under no alternative our civilization should allow itself the high risk of breaking the threshold of 1.5º C as is foreseen with the arrival of a strong El Niño from July 2023.

We have time until December 2023 to activate SCOPEX gradually to measure the collateral environmental impacts that may arise and thus reduce the global average temperature by 1.5º C.

This must be accompanied by drastic measures of cuts in energy consumption, replacement of the production and consumption system throughout the planet within a period of 5 years.

These decisions can only be made globally once we get the report on climate tipping points, the intensity and probability of intense acceleration of global warming produced by the Gaia Team scientists and confirmed by the IPCC. This must be done urgently, we cannot continue wasting time.

The second vital project on which we are working is Forest Card, an international credit card, promoted by greeninterbanks.com, an alliance between environmental banks from all over the planet, its mission is to donate 50% of the net profit, and invite the users to donate from 0.5 to 2% of the amount of each purchase, for the intensive planting of 30 billion fast-growing trees per year. We can plant in free areas between 500 thousand to 900 thousand million. If we do this and plant kiri trees, we can manage to capture 30 billion tons of CO2 per year.

We invite you to join our upcoming discussion teleconferences to brainstorm these first two essential goals within our Planetary Climate Emergency Master Plan.



Introduction of the e-book "MasterEarth" (edit 25/11/2020)

Humanity is going through a deep crisis of growth accelerated by technological change, by Global Warming, by overpopulation, by ecological variations and by the potential of a hostile alien intrusion before the end of the present 21st century.

It is necessary to bring together the best human resources to ask the right questions and obtain the correct answers desired, to be able to embark on the path from darkness to light and carry out the transformation of society and technological civilization in harmony, peace and well-being for all.

Under this premise, the Gaia Team summons renowned thinkers, scientists and qualified humanists to develop a Master Plan to save the Planet and a new Social Contract with a view to the XXII Century, which contemplates the development of a Type I technological pre-civilization, with a universal language, Planetary Eco Government, Global Direct Digital Democracy, International Council of Sciences, Planetary Army, minimum life annuity to the entire population to face job replacement by robotics and AI, abolition of extreme poverty throughout the world, stop Global Warming, decontaminate and ensure peace on all continents.

What it is about is the establishment of the key strategies to be able to solve each systemic and global crisis that affects us one by one, providing governments with the necessary Know How to be able to address them at an effective cost.

The Gaia Team is an initiative that consists of bringing together the wise men of the Earth to work as a team to provide feasible and operational solutions that renew hope.

It is an effort of goodwill. All the participants of the Gaia Team are asked to work and collaborate in the task to help Humanity in crisis, for a few weeks, in order to jointly develop a Master Plan to Save the Planet that is logical, feasible and effective.

With this in mind, sent 18 emails to qualified thinkers and scientists around the world inviting them to participate. No one answered, except Matthieu Ricard's secretary, who explained that he was already committed to various projects and caring for his sick mother.

Undaunted, sent another email to William J. Ripple (PhD), Oregon State University, Director of the Alliance of World Scientists. He answered me in just over 2 hours, showing keen interest in the subject and asking for more information.

This is what we wrote to him:

"A Master Plan to Save the Planet must say what to do and also how to do it. In this sense, the first priority is financing. Without intensive capital for a long time there will be no long-term solutions. It is necessary to apply between the 2% or 3% of world GDP annually to solve the triple scourge of hunger, overpopulation and global warming.

Once the nations of the world decide to allocate vital funds, the issue is in which programs to apply them, how to do it, for how long, and how to control the administration of funds so that there is no corruption in the system.

The second most important point is to proceed with the immediate planting of 30 billion kiri trees per year, and then cut down their trunks and bury them, in order to capture CO2 and return it to the subsoil.

The third point is how to coordinate all the necessary actions. For this, a Planetary Eco Government system is proposed, centralizing the decision-making capacity. This supranational structure would be controlled by a form of Global Direct Digital Democracy, advised by a Council of Sciences, made up of scientists from all nations.

The fourth point is to limit overpopulation (one child per family), which is what accelerates pollution and consumption. The planet only supports 5,000 million inhabitants. And if we consider non-renewable resources in the long term, the number drops to 1 billion. The planet has finite resources, it does not support overpopulation with exponential growth.

40 years have passed since the talk of Global Warming began, why was nothing effective done until now? Because the system of economic and political organization that we have does not allow it. If we want to save the planet, we must change the system of social, economic and political organization, integrating a new supranational scale. Go straight to a Type I technological pre-civilization.

Now, the problem we all have is the little time we have left to act preventively. In 2030, 450 ppm of CO2 will be reached in the atmosphere. The Arctic Ocean will completely thaw in summers and overheat. This will allow the huge underwater methane gas hydrate reservoirs to be released. An explosive chain reaction will occur. And it is possible that the phenomenon will be activated earlier, between 2025 to 2030, when the floating ice of the North Pole has been reduced to 50%.

Determining the time of this event horizon is the job of scientists. It is something that is urgent to do. We are all at risk and there is not enough awareness of the problem.

What do we propose? Scientists who want to participate will be emailed questions on these topics to give their opinion and ideas. Then a report and a book will be made that can serve the political system and governments that make decisions. "

William replied that the points were good, but that a similar initiative already existed: the Drawdown Project. And he asked me what I thought about this.

We answered:

"Project Drawdown has a time projection for 2040 and 2060. The point is that we have time to apply a comprehensive response to the problem of Warming until 2025, hopefully! Practically the measures should be taken now, immediately .

The main point is the perception of environmental risk based on the possible “clathrate rifle”. As I explained, by 2030 we will reach 450 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere, the floating ice at the North Pole will thaw in summers, the Arctic Ocean will overheat, and underwater methane gas hydrates will be released on a large scale, without we can do nothing to stop this catastrophe. And it is possible that the effect will expand and also release the immense deposits of carbon in the sea beds of the world's oceans. Then we would find ourselves in front of a scenario of probable runaway warming, with intense water vapor covering the planet. The IPCC studies do not consider this risk and it is urgent that they do so. If this can happen between 2025/30 we have almost no time to act. Extreme measures must be applied, as happened with the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Drawdown Project defines what needs to be done in different areas. It does not say anything about the form of global financing, how to coordinate global actions, does not offer details on the reforestation plan and the necessary investment in fusion reactors, which are vital. It does not include social, economic and political reorganization in its list of possible solutions. They could be invited to join a larger and more ambitious Master Plan to Save the Planet”.

William replied: "Your points are well taken".

Roberto Guillermo Gomes

* Roberto Gomes' Master Plan (2009) was first published on Amazon in 2012. Leader of the 2% for the Planet movement.




MayDay, Mayday!



Which wounded leaf

the mountain screams,

open its jaws

and vomits... vomits,

thousands of millions

hot lava,

soar in the sky

in infinite prayer,

praying for lost humanity.



Eat four,

the volcano warns

The Earth is dying...

blowing ashes,

in the night he shouts:

"May Day, May Day!"

transmits, but no one hears it,

because on this planet

we are in a hurry.

human laughter,

empty tears twin

trace paths of sarcasm and irony,

but no one helps the Earth in its agony.



On the path of silence

I drown in my chest

clever malice

of a vibrating spasm,

where the heart

powerless bursts bleeding

asking for mercy, mercy!

Please S.O.S, save our soul!





* Poetry by M.L.G, mother of Roberto Guillermo Gomes, her main friend and wise adviser. She passed away at the age of 95, on 5/17/2023 at 8:15 a.m., after a very long illness. She is now with God and continues to help and guide us from the Holy Heavens.



"Soliloqueos del Alma" e-book of M.L.G.



Planetary Climate Emergency Master Plan


We are calling on multinationals to donate 50% of their net profits over the next 5 years, because governments are refusing for the moment to approve the Green Solidarity Fund of 2% of annual world GDP to end hunger, extreme poverty and global warming.

Through GSL Systems, a system of multiple web portals, we will concentrate intensive, massive and global e-commerce and e-business operations to bill hundreds of billions of dollars.

We donate 50% of the net profit obtained to Mayday.live to be applied to humanitarian aid programs and to stop global warming.

The first priority climate write-off project is Scopex, the second is the immediate planting of 30 billion fast-growing trees to capture CO2 in the trunks, then fell and bury them to return this greenhouse gas to the ground.

To finance this we will activate through greeninterbanks.com, an alliance between 141 environmental banks, the Forest Card, an international credit card that donates 50% of its total net profit to forest plantations. The task will be carried out by the multinational AEON of Japan specialized in forest recovery.

Through Greeninterbanks.com we will accelerate financing for key sustainable projects to slow down global warming in the short term. We are working intensively. We need all possible cooperation from scientists, companies, governments and individuals.

In July 2023 the first catastrophic climate tipping point begins. We have time until December 2023 to activate the Scopex project and reduce the global average temperature by 1.5º C, thus buying environmental time to be able to act with complementary measures to drastically reduce pollution.

From the SpaceArch division of GSL Systems we will take care of designing the new replacement technologies that are necessary.


We do not say that I have the truth , We do affirm that the data that we all have regarding the estimation of the acceleration in the process of global warming, are completely incomplete and insufficient.

That's why since Mayday we are taking action. We are going to finance the scientific team of the Gaia Team to establish the sequence and the times of the next climatic inflection points and to measure the concrete and real danger of an eventual runaway warming.

Report that must then be confirmed or refuted by the IPCC. Then and only then will we all know what to do.

Scientists have been wrong in their predictions regarding global warming for the past two decades... In 2000, both NASA and other scientists claimed that Antarctica would not thaw. They predicted that the 1.5º C threshold would be broken between 2035 and 2050, now it will happen between 2025/2030. They underestimated the acceleration of the thawing of the glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica during the first decade of the 21st century, they said that the thawing of the permafrost would not accelerate and that the clathrates would not be released, there are already peaks of the release of methane hydrates in the ESAS .

Because? Because they do not study the set of interactions at the same time. Roberto Guillermo Gomes did it, so he was able to predict in 2009 the first climate inflection point in 2025/2030 that has just been confirmed by the WMO.

Priority projects to mitigate the acceleration of global warming






The Facts


At GSL System we are going to try to activate a total sustainable system change in a pilot city.

Now whether you like it or not, whether you understand it or not, we have no choice, it is a choice of life and death.

I think that it is still not clear to what point the acceleration of global warming will be, according to our estimates the planet may become totally uninhabitable by 2035.

Establishing this catastrophic chain reaction is the work and mission of the scientific team of the Gaia Team whose report is urgently required to adopt the correct immediate drastic mitigation measures worldwide.

Is these possible? It will depend on the speed and intensity of activation in sequence of the feedbacks of the ecosystems involved.

According to Dr. James Hansen's worst case scenario, if a sufficient global average temperature threshold is reached, evaporation of ocean waters will begin, with water vapor being more greenhouse efficient than CO2, the surface temperature may rise to 100º C… end of all known life on the face of the Earth. We must avoid this by all technological means and resources at our disposal.

Mind who says it, the architect Roberto Guillermo Gomes (CEO of GSL Systems) is the only one who got it right when the first catastrophic climate tipping point was going to occur. He estimated it for the period 2025/2030 from 2009.

He has 42 university and tertiary degrees, he is studying 4 master's degrees simultaneously, at the end of 2024 he will begin his first doctorate, at the end of 2023 he will have 50 degrees.



PDF Global climate emergency master plan... let's ask for mercy! to God

PDF We must not allow ourselves to break the 1.5ºc threshold… corrective measures of the global climate emergency 

PDF The next tipping point in the acceleration of global warming begins in july 2023

PDF The next tipping point in the acceleration of global warming begins between march 2023 and january 2024

PDF Can the oceans ascend more than 30 cms. in accelerated way?

PDF Contradiction between coastal real estate income and oil capital due to acceleration of Global Warming

PDF  Are they selling us "rotten fish" with electric cars?

PDF Possible tipping point of global warming acceleration between 2025/2030

PDF  Possible warming of the Earth's lower crust  

PDF  Gaia Team Proyect 





Decontaminate outer space /Roberto Guillermo Gomes´proyect


Who’s Who in Sustainability? Top 50 Influencers to Follow


In recent years, sustainability has emerged as a crucial concern for businesses across the globe. With increasing awareness about environmental and social issues, organizations are recognizing the importance of integrating sustainable practices into their operations. This trend is particularly evident in the business-to-business (B2B) sector, where companies are actively seeking sustainable solutions and forging partnerships with like-minded organizations.

Sustainability has become a driving force in the B2B sector, reshaping business practices and influencing decision-making. By embracing circular economy principles, ensuring supply chain transparency, adopting renewable energy and resource efficiency, fostering collaboration, and leveraging digital transformation, B2B organizations can position themselves at the forefront of sustainable innovation. As we move forward, these emerging trends will continue to shape the future of sustainability in B2B, paving the way for a more environmentally and socially responsible business landscape.

Our Who’s Who in Sustainability highlights the top 50 thought leaders and influencers who drove the most engagement across LinkedIn & Twitter over a 6 month period on the topic of Sustainability. Most of these people are industry practitioners and thought leaders who speak at events, write books, articles, and create video and audio content to advance the industry forward.

He says "I have no enthusiasm in what I do, I just do the job that nobody is doing, save the planet, with humanity and our civilization included."






And what to do?: Galas dinners to raise funds for the Gaia Team


We do not wish to disturb, however we have a very important request. We believe that a full scientific report on climate tipping points is urgently needed, determining their probable dates, their intensity, their activating effects of positive climate feedbacks. We think that the thermoequilibrium of the planet is dangerously broken and from the next outbreak of a strong El Niño, global warming will accelerate intensely.

We do not believe that after 2027 it will return to the previous point, since if positive climatic feedbacks are activated the global average temperature will increase even more, reaching a new point of no return and with a high risk of possible activation of the "clathrate gun".

We have no clear idea or precise information about this new event horizon that is approaching us. Based on this we have created the
Gaia Team, a team of 30 of the best environmental scientists to carry out the report that is needed.

Bearing in mind that there are already partial studies and what has to be done is to collate all the information, review it and deepen it, the report must be finalized within a period of 90 days.

It must then be confirmed or refuted by IPCC scientists within 90 days as well. We don't have more time. Given that to cushion the additional acceleration of warming there is time until December 2023 to activate the SCOPEX project. We are against the clock.

This must be accompanied by drastic measures of change on the system of global production and consumption.

We could look for other forms of financing, but we have preferred to organize three gala dinners in the USA to raise funds in NY, Washington and Los Angeles. This will make it possible to contact the international press and collectively prepare the population for the measures that will need to be applied if scientific reports confirm that everything will get out of control.

We will appeal to the generosity of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation and Mr. Brad Pitt to cooperate with us. We will ask the foundation to manage the funds and Brad to help us get celebrities to participate in the scheduled events.

What do we need from WMO, Greenpeace and WWF? Just support this initiative. We want you to understand that we have run out of time for preventive measures, corrective ones remain, and we estimate that we will not be able to stop the complete inertia of the CO2 already accumulated.

We hope to count on your collaboration and work together for the salvation of our beautiful planet.

Where possible we would like to count on Mr. Sean Penn, who has experience on the subject, for the organization of these events. We will allocate 10% of the proceeds to cover organizational costs.







Eco.MayDay works to unite humanitarian and environmental non-governmental organizations in order to maximize available resources, coordinate aid programs and fight against global warming, hunger, poverty, social inequality, racism, gender violence, religious intolerance and corruption, affirming the spirit of union and cooperation in favor of life, peace and progress for all equally.


            We are working together to protect the environment

If you are a humanitarian or ecological NGO send us your web address and join the campaign of Eco Mayday´s Global Solidarity

all              international         africa  aSIA               EUROPE            LATIN AMERICA         NORTH AMERICA            PACIFIC 




43 1 235 14 23


254 (0)20 762 1234








mail.jhb@actionaid.org contactus@amnesty.org info@aycc.org.au




media@avaaz.org getintouch@beautifultrouble.org bipoclimatejusticenetwork@riseup.net




info@christian-aid.org geneva@ciel.org administration@climatenetwork.org




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demandclimatejustice@gmail.com hello@edgeeffect.org web@foei.org




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press@priceofoil.org oisocialmedia@oxfam.org (207) 522-0694




Jesse@pathwaytoparis.com info@peoplesvaccine.org info@primamundi.com




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hello@thenaturalstep.org UNDP-newsroom@undp.org 1 202-887-9040






office@uumfe.org info@uusc.org wedo@wedo.org




mej@wcc-coe.org info@worldsavvy.org actionsolidaire@action-solidaire.org




+1 (646) 475-3374







atencion@wwfmex.org ciberactivistas@infogreenpeace.org 900 22 33 00





info@climatecentral.org contact@climateanalytics.org acf@acfonline.org.au




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info@giz.de 49 30 86880-0

49 30 86880-100





31707119600 info@glanlaw.org info@iisd.org




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all              international         africa  aSIA               EUROPE            LATIN AMERICA         NORTH AMERICA            PACIFIC 
We are all responsible! Let's prevent 7,2 million people from starving every year, 17,000 children every day. Donate now and help save one more life today and now. Join the global solidarity responsibility campaign

Hiring our solidarity Web Design and Web Hosting services, we offer subdomains within Global Solidarity, with unlimited bandwidth, updating the entire site on a monthly basis, e-commerce and SEO and mail-marketing service. In this way you contribute to make possible our mission to save the children of the planet and stop Global Warming. We donate 50% of what we obtain for this concept and we apply the rest to support the system and new developments, which in turn donate 50% of the profit. Buy with a card at MegaStore and at no extra cost now save a child and help stop global warming. This system donates 80%.  Contact


MayDay Priorities:

1- Unite the humanitarian and ecological NGOs of the planet to demand and urging the prompt allocation of 2 or 3% of the annual world GDP, to end hunger, extreme poverty and global warming, by the governments of our planet. As advised by the UN and MasterEarth.

2-Allocate US$ 500 billion per year from the global Solidarity Green Fund to end hunger, extreme poverty, pandemics, illiteracy and other social injustices.

3-Act in cooperation with the scientific, business, NGO and government sectors, to reverse global warming, taking as a new goal reaching zero carbon emissions in 2030.

4- Create a coordination infrastructure to solve global crises, the Global Eco Government.

5- Universalize the Global Direct Digital Democracy system advised by a Science Council made up of the best scientists from all continents.

6- Replace the monetary unit for qualified time and assign life annuities to the entire population in view of the replacement of the equation between capital and labor by the transfer to AIs and robotics of production systems.

7- End inequality in the distribution of world resources by abolishing extreme poverty.

Be a moral volunteer


Hello, we ask for your full attention for 1 minute. Did you know that due to the acceleration and positive feedbacks of global warming, the human species is in danger of extinction? No, then please read the notes.

We are all too busy surviving and have not developed the habit of looking over our shoulders to see what is happening to others. We live locked in our personal bubbles. But now, if we want to survive collectively, we must unite among all of us, add our actions, voices and votes... For what? To get the governments of the planet to return to common sense and assume full responsibility for the common destiny. How? Approving and allocating the Green Solidarity Fund of 2 or 3% of the annual world GDP to end the triple scourge of hunger, extreme poverty and global warming. And beginning by establishing global social justice in the distribution of planetary resources so that no one else dies of hunger and no more children die for lack of vaccination.

We can achieve this together, among all of us, with faith, with determined and intelligent actions. How to start? We ask that you support Mayday's mission as a moral volunteer. And if at any time you have free time, collaborate by spreading our message to everyone on the internet.

We can still prevent all the coastal cities from flooding, great intercontinental droughts and lack of food and drinking water. Let's be sensible, unite, work together and save the planet, to save ourselves, our families and the generations to come.

Climate change, overpopulation, hunger, education, health and consumption are interdependent. We must transcend these challenges simultaneously.

If you sign up as a moral volunteer, contact us.


Vote 2% for the Planet   Spanish / English


I warned since 2019 about the danger of accelerating retroactions of global warming

It will be necessary to activate the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment Project (SCoPEx)

Complaint against the presidents of the world for crimes against humanity

New strategy to end hunger, extreme poverty and global warming

According to the WMO we will break the threshold of 1.5º C to 1.8ºC in the next 5 years

Forest card: capturing co2 is urgent and imperative. We cannot and should not delay it any longer. We must act immediately. Mobilize resources

An upcoming prolonged drought could cause continental crop failures, livestock deaths, and half the world’s population to die from starvation

We are connecting advanced AIs with the internet without any security measures

We are witnessing a change of era, driven by the hyperevolution of our science and technology


We work to save the children of the planet and stop Global Warming. We have five years to be able to do it before breaking the threshold of 1.5 to 1.8º C according to the WMO.

Under these conditions, intercontinental structural droughts can occur and this can cause hundreds or billions of people to die of hunger. We are acting in time to avoid it.

The report from the scientific group of the
Gaia Team  is urgent to determine the next critical threshold of the climatic anomaly, to know what we are facing, how much time we have left and how we must organize ourselves to cushion its effects.

We invite all ONGS of good will to join us in our mission. We know what to do and how to do it.

We work to proactively raise awareness about climate justice and seek means of active financing for sustainable development in all areas under community control.

We lead a global movement of diverse people, companies and communities, committed to climate justice and fighting for a sustainable world in the shortest possible time.

The oppressive global inequality due to climate change and the unequal distribution of wealth are negatively impacting the middle and lower strata of our world societies, ecosystems are deteriorating rapidly. It is urgent to act immediately.

To solve global problems, global financing is needed, we are working to redirect the necessary resources to attend to the great scourges that plague humanity in the present: hunger, extreme poverty and global warming.

We raise funds through global e-commerce and donations.

If you are interested in volunteering with us, sharing an idea or partnering with us, please contact us







2% for the planet and Eco Planetary Goverment

It’s warming.

It’s us.

We’re sure.

It’s bad.

We can fix it.

(Thanks to Dr. Kimberly Nicholas for putting it so simply).


1. It’s warming. In 2022, the global average temperature was about 1.15 [1.02 to 1.27] °C above pre-industrial (1850-1900) levels.

2. It’s us. Every year, humans release an increasing amount of carbon dioxide (C02) into the atmosphere; at present, about 40 billion tons per year.  In 2022, 420.99 parts per million of CO2 were reached in May, with an increase of 1.8 parts per million compared to 2021. Before the industrial revolution, and for the 6,000 years of human civilization that preceded it, the CO2 level remained constant at around 280 ppm, according to NOAA.

3. We’re sure. An overwhelming 99% of scientists agree that climate change is being caused by human greenhouse gas emissions.

4. It’s bad. If we break the threshold of 1.5 to 2º C above the global average temperature, great intercontinental structural droughts will occur. Half the world's population could starve. Accelerated melting will begin at the North Pole with the release of methane, which will further increase the temperature and cause more melting and faster. So the oceans with the melting of the Greenland and Antarctic glaciers can rise from 3 to 60 meters. When the first half meter rises, the properties on the coast will lose all market value, nobody will want to buy them.

5. We can fix it. Banks and investment funds have capital of 56 trillions dollars.We only need $2 trillion per year, or 2% of global GDP per year, to end hunger, extreme poverty and global warming.

The architect and environmentalist Roberto Guillermo Gomes, warned since 2009 and in 2019 especially, about the danger of accelerating positive feedback on the pace of global warming. Data confirmed in 2023 by the scientific report of William Ripley and Wolf with the intervention of three US universities. What does this mean? According to the WMO prediction, we will break the threshold of 1.5 to 1.8º C in the next 5 years. From this inflection point, positive feedbacks will begin to skyrocket irreversibly and hyper-accelerate the climate anomaly. Therefore the goal of zero emissions for 2050 is insufficient, it must be achieved in 2030.


We unite humanitarian and ecological NGOs, which will make it easier to channel aid and apply global coordinated programs.

As humanity and civilization we are in danger of extinction due to the next hyperacceleration of Global Warming caused by the foreseeable positive systemic feedbacks on planetary ecosystems. Based on this, from Global Solidarity, we are beginning to deploy the necessary strategies to address the ongoing climate emergency with the resources that we consider necessary and appropriate. We call on everyone to participate and cooperate. Not doing so is not being in favor of the Sacred Life of all beings, universal compassion, peace, progress and social justice. Those who are called and do not do so will receive the direct impact of their own selfish actions.


GSL Systems raises funds and distributes them where they are needed through MayDay. We are testing our systems to complete the registration procedures as a corporation and foundation in the USA. Our headquarters will be located in Columbia, Maryland.

 ©Copyright 2023 GLOBALSOLIDARITY.LIVE All Rights Reserved